38+ How To Sequence A Yin Yoga Class
Near You. Please note that teaching yin yoga requires a deeper understanding of the human body in relation to the muscles and the joints. Yin yoga focuses on the deeper connective tissues by holding each pose.
She specializes in yin, vinyasa, and meditation and has additional training in mindfulness meditation and thai yoga bodywork. Given below are foundational reference yin yoga sequences for yoga teachers. This sequence takes about an hour, but can be trimmed or extended slightly—just use your yinstincts.
If yin yoga has piqued your interest, give one (or a few!) of these sequences below a try.
Our customers say amazing, inspirational, best customer support An intelligent class is not simply a sequence of yoga asanas, consider breathwork, themes, dharma, etc. 25 yoga alliance continuing education hours start your journey now Hello yin friends, happy friday!